Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Fruit Concelo... Tiel, Netherlands

If you like this... Check out the full gallery on Facebook

Michelle and Neil August 29, 2009

Neil and Michelle were the second wedding on August 29th. They had an amazing setting in Monterey, California.  

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Turkish Hall at the Beverwijk Market

Chris Perry- Modeling shoot

Greselda - Maternity Photo Session

 Greselda had maternity photos done by another photographer before she came to me, and felt she looked "hunched over and as if (she) had bad posture" 

We discussed what she wanted and I made sure the full beauty of her pregnancy was portrayed. 

Really old work. Natalie Anderson - Home Staging

Natalie does home staging, so I wanted to give her a unique portrait for her business. We used her home, which was also used to show to clients as an example of her work. 

My unique idea was to make a "staging in process" look. With two of my assistants posing as staging assistants and a slow shutter speed, this was accomplished. 

Ana & Andrew - Aug. 29, 2009

Ana and Andrew were the first of two, one hour weddings I photographed on Aug. 29th. Their bridal party was a great help in getting them amped for their poses. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Photoshop Edits From Steinberg Wedding

In this photo my Step-dad's Brothers had moved from key points they were previously in, so, I moved them back to where they had been. The change was made because this was a more desirable photo than the one where they were able to be seen.