Sunday, April 21, 2013

Exciting Special For July!!

Underwater Portraits - Normally $500.00 

Book Today for this Dynamic Photography Session! 

Friday, April 19, 2013


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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Marvin - 90 in June

Marvin will be turning 90 this year and Ruth, his wife decided to begin the celebrations a bit early. For his birthday invitaton she scheduled a photo session.

I really enjoy birthday photographs, 90 years young to 2 year olds!

I will be covering the actual party as well and I cant wait!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


I know I have posted photographs from my trip to India from the October before last, however I felt the need to write about an experience I had on my way to Bangalore, or Bangalaru.

I have been dying to see the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. From the first advertisement I saw, I wanted to watch it. I put it on this morning, and though I feel the need to do tons of house work and catch up on business work, I am sitting watching this, and will admit, am tearing up in the first 15 minutes.

The thought that the main characters all set to go to the same place, meet up by happenstance in the airport, only begins to touch on a sort of majestic and interesting things that can happen in India. The interesting thing, is that this very thing happened to me, on my way to India, though I had no idea until I had been home for 2 weeks.

While my mom and I were on our way to Bangalore, sitting in the airport in Germany, a man sat down next to us, also waiting to board the plane to Bangalore. He opened his suitcase and was rifling around to find something. Being that it was close to Halloween, and we were visiting my baby sister, my mom was traveling with American Halloween Candy. My mom pointed out that the man next to us was also traveling with Halloween Candy. He mentioned to us that he was bringing the candy to his family in Bangalore.  He was searching for his power convertor and couldn't find it anywhere in his luggage. I knew exactly where mine was, so I offered to lend it to him.

An hour or so later we boarded the plane and were on our way.

Two weeks following our return, I was working at my bar in California. I asked a customer what I could pour him and he smiled and said "How was your trip to Bangalore?!" I replied "It was wonderful! Thank you." and then I recognized him. I had met him on my way to India! As it turns out, Kumar lives in the same town I live in and is close friends with my boss at the bar.

How incredible to have an interaction with someone a world away and come to find that not only do you live in the same area, but the same town.

I saw Kumar last night and he still refers to me as the "girl from the german airport."

I really do need to visit my friends downtown more often.

"This is a different world, the challenge is to cope with it. And not just to cope but thrive." - Evelyn's blog

Our lives & worlds are always growing and changing, its not true only for India, but for everywhere. The goal is to thrive.