Thursday, January 21, 2010

This Morning was a good morning...

I woke up with my alarm going off for a second time, not wanting to get up...Still. But somthing made me want to check my phone.

I had a facebook message. My status last night read: "2 Choices, Go back to school... nursing or something else that helps people and i can do while traveling or start working towards getting hired by a newspaper."

I had a few responses to this status this morning. One was somthing having to do with spiderman, one was a reply to the spiderman nonesense,... come to think of it 4 of the responses had to do with spiderman. Then my friend Amanda had responded this morning, early. This is what her message said:

""There is a redemptive power that making a choice just DECIDE what it's going to be, who you are going to be, and how you are going to do it; just DECIDE and from that point the universe will get out of your way; it's water, it wants to move and go around stuff." ~~ Will Smith -but borrowed from my friend Sam's status. I thought it fit.

I say go after the newspaper job and forget the other stuff. What newspaper are you wanting to work for? I might have connections for you Katie. I have met a lot of people in the last few years, especially working for Ocean Geographic, just let me know. Go big or go home, right?"

She opened my eyes in a way. Why shouldn't I go after what I really want? and why shouldn't I ask my friends, those who love me and encourage me for the help and motivation I need?

Amanda is off shooting Bull Sharks in Mexico right now, but I'm anxious for her to get back and hear her advice. She is such a great loving and caring person!

Check out her stuff!

Keeping my chin up!



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